Business Gateway to Japan; Market Entry Study & Liason Office

Market Entry Study

Market Entry Study

Document Translation

  • tentative documents for market research
  • company and product brochure
  • product specifications, manuals, white papers

Target Market Search

  • identifying end users
  • identifying sales channel
  • accessible market size
  • competitors
  • market price
  • market trend

Interviews with potential end users and distributors

Entry Strategy

  • product advantages to highlight
  • competitive and lucrative pricing
  • sales channels
  • barrier analysis
  • market requirements for product specifications and pricing
     competitors
     regulations

Arrange Meetings

  • meetings with potential business partners
  • interpreter service

[Liaison Office]
Local presence is mandatory to materialize business opportunities and covert into revenue. Long term relation based on mutual trust is a key factor of Japanese business and so the local presence is an essential sign of commitment to customers in Japan.

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